The expression ?tip of the iceberg? refers to an event that is part of a bigger, more complex, and sometimes darker one. It was first used in 1969, 57 years after the tragic sinking of the British...
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In short, the robbing Peter to pay Paul expression refers to solving a debt by incurring another one. It dates back to 1450, maybe even earlier, and originated in Europe. Although many linguists...
So you researched the company you are interviewing for and found out the chances of encountering a non-technical interview question are pretty high. This article is meant to provide a comprehensive...
What Are the Differences between Web Server vs Application Server?
Application servers and web servers are both used in Java to hold web applications. Though one may feel the need to use them generically, they have clear cut differences as we have discussed for you...
It?s not uncommon to encounter a non-technical question while interviewing for an IT position, and this question has been bugging interview candidates for a while now. In this article, we?re going to...
Many Americans refer to Wednesday as hump day, but few stop to wonder why. And since inquisitiveness is a crucial trait for most programmers and IT employees, questions like what is hump day should...