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Congratulations, you?ve recently landed an interview for a job ad that mentioned Spring Boot framework. When you’re done celebrating, you should prepare your answers for some of the most common Spring Boot interview questions if you hope to impress interviewers and score the second meeting. It’s is the new standard for Java development, and most companies have moved away from the more traditional Spring Framework to adopt it. As a result, companies want to know that candidates actually understand Spring Boot and have used it more than just once or twice.
That said, you can prepare answers to the most common Spring Boot interview inquires all you want if you do not fully understand the benefits of the application, then you won?t fool anyone with your rehearsed script. You need to answer all Spring Boot questions with confidence.
That is something you can only really do if you know what problems the application solves and possess a deep understanding of some of its fundamental features, such as auto-configuration tools, Spring Initializer, and Spring Actuator.
If you are not acquainted with Spring Boot?s defining features, it would be in your best interest to take a starter course prior to applying for a position, or, at the very least, before heading to the interview. If you are familiar with the framework and just want to better prepare for interview questions, this guide can help you form answers for some of the most commonly asked Spring Boot interview questions.
1.??? Are You Familiar With Spring Boot? What Is It and Why Should You Use It?
The interviewer is likely to start off easy, with a simple question about what Spring Boot actually is. If you cannot accurately answer this question, chances are that you won?t make it much longer than 10 minutes.
In short, Spring Boot is one of the many Java frameworks found in Spring?s arsenal that aspires to streamline the development process. Developers prefer this framework because it removes a lot of the headaches that typically accompany Spring applications. It also auto-configures a lot of info on your behalf, making the framework process much more productive and less time-consuming.
2.??? What Does Auto-Configuration Mean in Regards to This Framework, How Does It Help and Why Is It Considered Opinionated?
You can count on the interviewer addressing each in one fell swoop, following up on your answer to the first question with the latter two. First, let?s solve the simple problem of defining what auto-configuration is.
Auto-configuration automatically arranges information centered upon what is in the classpath. It also does a significant amount of work on your behalf when it comes to configuring controllers, beans, view resolvers, and other architectural features. Auto-configuration works hard when creating Java applications you don?t have to.
Spring Boot is considered opinionated because the program makes a lot of the more significant decisions without your input. It is not uncommon for the framework to introduce info that you don?t necessarily want to include, which can be frustrating. Spring Boot provides a way for users to revoke auto-configuration settings and make individual decisions or even all of them on their own.
3.??? What Are Some of Your Favorite Features of Spring Boot?
When interviewers ask this, they?re just testing you to see if you really know what Spring Boot is. Answer this question by exalting over some of the framework?s top features, which include:
- Auto-Configuration: As mentioned above, auto-configuration is one of the most defining features of Spring Boot and one of the most useful. A robust understanding of auto-configuration is necessary to really make the most of this framework feature.
- Starter Dependency: Spring Boot aggregates common dependencies together, which can save you time on downloads and improve productivity.
- Spring Actuator: This feature simply reveals key insights into moves you have already made and those it anticipates you making. This can be helpful in mapping out framework.
- Spring Initializer: This application creates the initial project structure on your behalf, thereby simplifying the project setup.
- Spring CLI: Spring CLI allows developers to write more precise code than ever before.
4.??? How Can You Implement Security for Spring Boot Application?
For many business owners, security is paramount to all else, so you should expect at least one security-related question. That question is most likely to deal with how you plan to implement security for Spring Boot. The correct answer is simple: add Spring Security starter to the boot application.
5.??? How and Where Are Properties Defined?
In Spring Boot, you have to define properties in the file. You can create this file manually or use the Spring Initializer to create it for you. However, bear in mind that if the initializer does it, the file will pop up empty.
6.??? What Is the Difference Between WAR and an Embedded Container?
The main difference between these two is that you can use Spring Boot with an embedded container without having to set up a web server. However, in order to run WAR, you would need to first set up a web server that has a Servlet container and then deploy WAR there. In short, an embedded-container application can run on its own whereas WAR needs the assistance of another application.
7.??? What Are Some of the More Common Spring Boot Starter POMs?
Spring Boot has several dependencies, but there are a few that are used most frequently. Those include spring-boot-starter, spring-boot-starter test and spring-boot-starter-web. These POMs enable you to use other dependencies throughout the application.
8.??? Are You Able To Change the Port of an Embedded Tomcat Server?
Yes, it is possible to change the port of the fixed Tomcat server. To do so, you would need to add a property titled server.port in your initial file. From there, you would follow the directions taught to you in your Spring Boot starter course.
9.??? How Does Spring Boot Compare With Spring MVC and Spring?
At the core of all Spring frameworks is Dependency Injection or IOC: Inversion of Control. If not used properly, you risk developing loosely coupled applications. Unfortunately, it?s all too easy to develop these types of applications with Spring and MVC, as a ton of configuration is necessary to develop the framework in the first place. Spring Boot solves that issue by allowing for auto-configuration, which does a majority of the hard work for you. Even if you were dissatisfied with a way in which info or data was configured, you could always go back and undo it. Chances are, with Spring Boot?s smart configuration, you would spend far less time undoing mistakes than if you were to attempt to build the framework manually.
10. What Are Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Spring Boot?
Listing the advantages of Spring Boot should be relatively easy. Some top advantages that employers look for include the following:
- Reduced development, testing time and overall efforts
- Ability to avoid maven imports and other various version conflicts
- Using JavaConfig helps to avoid usage of XML
- Allows for quick start to development
- A separate web server is not necessary
- Far less configuration is necessary than any other framework
That said, you need to be honest in your interview, which means being realistic. If you?ve used Spring Boot before, chances are that you have a few qualms with the framework. Some issues you may have encountered include the following:
- Spring Boot has several dependencies, many of which may prove to be useless for most businesses.
- Spring Boot is not ideal for those who desire control.
- Spring Boot is best used with microservices.
If you do have qualms to share about Spring Boot, it would be wise to also share instances of how you overcame your issues and prevailed with the program regardless. Remember, employers prefer Spring Boot. If you appear to dislike it, you may sabotage your chances at an otherwise great job.
Spring Boot Is Today?s Framework, So Learn It and Love It
If you?re a developer and are not familiar with Spring Boot, you should take a crash course before quitting your current job and applying for a new one. Though that is apt to change in the future, if you want to get a job today, you need to get on board with today?s trends.
If you?re familiar with Spring Boot but cannot articulate in words what makes it so great, take time to rehearse your answers to the most commonly asked Spring Boot interview questions. Practice could mean the difference between landing the job and walking away from the interview with nothing more than a ?nice to meet you.?
Brush up on your knowledge of Spring Boot, study these interview questions and rehearse your answers. It doesn?t hurt to be over-prepared. However, if you enter the interview underprepared, you may walk away from it disappointed.