Linked List Vs Array: Uses And Differences

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In this digital age, computing and storing data is ever more critical. How that data is stored depends on the organizational methods, namely in the form of linked lists and arrays. Understanding data storage is crucial to any computer task—but if you’re not a computer genius, have no fear. This article will provide you with an introduction to linked list vs array data storage and how they can be useful to you, as a computer user.

How Do We Define A Linked List vs Array?

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Array Definition

An array is a data structure with similar types of data elements. It associates each data item with an index; for example, if you wanted to access the third item, you would write the name with its index, the location within the square search bracket.

Linked List Definition

A linked list is a non-primitive data structure, with a selection of unordered linked elements called nodes. To find an item, you would need to scroll through the list until you find it, rather than typing in a search index.

The Main Difference Between A Linked List vs Array

A linked list is more unstructured and free, while an array has defined indexes associated with each variable—something a linked list lacks. In this way, a linked list is loose and an array more specific and defined.

In the following paragraphs, we delve into detail as to what sets these two data structure systems apart.

What Are The Main Differences Between A Linked List vs Array?

Understanding the essential functions and differences between a linked list vs array is helpful, but if you want to have full use of these data structures, you should also understand the finer details of each data structure. Don’t worry—we have you covered. After you finish this article, you’ll be a data whizz.


How Are Arrays Organized?

An array associates each data element with a specific location or index; this makes accessing arrays fast and easy. You can pinpoint particular data details with high precision, randomly, using the search query. When searching for a specific item in the array, you will need to input the index value in addition to the variable name in the searching bracket.

How Is Data Structured In An Array?

Functions that insert and delete data elements in arrays consume more time since additional values like indexes are associated with the data. Arrays are also a fixed, predetermined size, stored consecutively. In an array, it attributes memory to each element during compile time—static memory allocation.

The memory requirements are lower when stored within an index of the array, but memory use is inefficient. No data pointers are needed, and this alone saves on memory. Data from arrays can be multi-dimensional.

Linked Lists

How Are Linked Lists Organized?

Unlike arrays, linked lists are linear and dynamic, taking more time to locate specific data elements. You would need to scroll down the linked list until you came to the desired item.

How Is Data Structured In A Linked List?

Since there is no index or additional values, changing linked lists is fast and straightforward. Linked lists are flexible—and growing or shrinking these lists is simple. The data in a linked list is stored in the linked part of the previous element, and memory is attributed to the list during execution or runtime—called dynamic memory allocation.

There’s no need for additional memory for linked lists since supplementary ‘next’ and ‘previous’ reference elements are included, and memory usage is very efficient. Data from linked lists are single, double, or circular.


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  • A collection of data points with the same data type
  • Uses an index to access specific data points randomly
  • Data modification takes longer
  • Static memory allocation
  • Can be multi-dimensional within an index

Linked Lists

  • Ordered collection organized by pointers/links
  • Sequential access to data
  • Data modification is fast and easy
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Single, double, or circular linked list types


Linked list vs array data structures have pros and cons associated with them. Choosing one over the other can significantly impact the way your data appears when you access your archive. Factors such as time required to search for data items, data organization, memory requirements, efficiency, and the ability to modify the data are all differences between a linked list vs array systems

We hope this article has given you a helpful introduction to arrays and linked lists.

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