To put something on the back burner means to postpone doing or discussing something, most of the times because it?s not a priority or time-sensitive. The expression is often used in office settings,...
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The term ?brain fart? is used to describe the condition when the mind simply skips tasks or completes them incorrectly mostly because of lack of focus or working on autopilot. The phrase can also...
In an office setting, the expression ?pushing the envelope? means to test and, ultimately, exceed the current limits. It can refer to an individual, a department, or a company. The expression comes...
The phrase ?let?s play it by ear? means not to make definitive plans beforehand. It?s always used when talking about the near or far future, especially when the future situation in question is not...
The expression thrown under the bus or to throw someone under the bus means to betray or sacrifice a friend, loved one, or ally out of selfishness. Most of the times, this expression is used to...
The expression ?tip of the iceberg? refers to an event that is part of a bigger, more complex, and sometimes darker one. It was first used in 1969, 57 years after the tragic sinking of the British...